Using both traditional brushes and spray painting techniques in his watercolours, artist Petri Hytönen (b. 1963) has received much attention in the Finnish world of art in recent years. At his extensive exhibition at the Amos Anderson Art Museum in Helsinki in autumn 2004, Hytönen displayed his first works based on large inkjet printouts. The artist takes his own photographs and processes them with Photoshop on computer to ”wipe clear” an empty space, where he paints after making a paper print of the photo. The exhibition in 2004 marked the beginning of a new path for Hytönen, who now takes the approach further with new works and motifs. The series is entitled ”Meat and Spirit”.

The name refers to Petri Hytönen´s own experiences of physical ageing. As the artist approaches middle age, he feels his art registers the spiritual world in a more pronounced manner than before through various images and moods – and both directly and indirectly.
Rauli Heino