Drawing Theatre

”Drawingtheatre is an interactive installation/exhibition ink spectacle. It is a combination of many elements: white paper in an empty space, black ink living in a space, two-dimensional paper taking a three-dimensional life. Artists painting their works, artists painting each others works, the audience becoming artists painting each others works. Light and shadow playing in the world of paper and ink.”

Detail of Drawing Theatre young participant in action february 2023, Old Ströhö, Porvoo, Finland


Sometimes we also work with our own group which is now enlargening to several members. In this installation below we have been with our group Pan Jian Feng, Kalle Turakka Purhonen and me. Now we are having a third member in the group and he is Sampsa Indrén.

Drawing Theatre installation february 2023 in Old Ströhö, Porvoo, Finland.


We were in march 2023 working as invited guests in Kolonin, Arvika, Sweden. It was a bigger common workshop with our basic installation and very nice workshop members from Arvika area ! Bigger and smaller Ones ! Thank You to tha amazing gang of Kolonin !

Drawing Thatre, march 2023, action in Kolonin, Arvika, Sweden
Drawing Thatre 2023, detail of action in Kolonin, Arvika, Sweden
Drawing Thatre march 2023, detail of Kolonin, Arvika, Sweden

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